I have changed the meaning of this text 'Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard.' by using a different fonts and colours.
For the first text, I changed the colour of the text to red which conveys danger as you could view the meaning of the text as a warning sign and warning signs usually are red. I also changed the text to all capital letters because it stands out more than lower case letters as I wanted it to show a warning sign.
For the second text, I wanted it to convey a calm and friendly approach of advice, which juxtaposes the first text. I did this by changing the colour of the text to a baby blue colour which has connotations of trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and truth, which is important because when people receive advice they expect it to be trustworthy. I also chose a font that was spaced out because this helps the reader to read the text slowly which would help them understand and take in the text which is important because I wanted the text to convey a different meaning to the first text.