Saturday 21 January 2017

'Q' Magazine Analysis

Front Page
The masthead of this magazine is 'Q', it is a convention as it is at the top of the page however it is not centered like most mastheads. There is a picture boost of Pete Doherty, we know this as the main article is about him. There are many other headlines which fill up the front page to make the magazine look like it is packed with a lot of content. The colour scheme of this magazine is red, white and black, which is also used continuously throughout the magazine. There is a barcode in the bottom right hand corner of the magazine which is a convention of magazines. The magazine comes with a free CD which is for promotion as more people might want to buy the magazine because of the CD.
Contents Page
The contents page is organised as there are articles with the page numbers next to it. The contents page is conventional as it includes pictures that relate to the articles. The colour scheme is still continued through to the contents page.
 Double Page Spread
The double page spread includes facing pages to show that the article relates to the picture. The colour scheme is still continued through to the double page spread. There is a drop capital at the beginning of the article to indicate where it starts. 

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